Saturday, March 20, 2010

For a lack of better words.

I tried the list but it didn't work.

I want to travel the world. If I’m not up doing something I feel like I’m wasting time, but then again I love to just sit around and do nothing. I contridict myself sometimes. Most of the time I know what I want, but I have no clue what it is. I don’t floss as much as I want to, and I love to brush my teeth. I take long showers and sometimes purposely avoid my friends. I am NEVER on time when it counts, but when it doesn’t count I’m there way too soon. I love Bearcreek, Alabama but avoid it at all costs. I am completely content with being alone, but I love all the people around me. I am never up to date on current events, even though I complete one Tuesday-Thursday in Coach Cameron’s calss. I’m good with whatever, but won’t tolorate a lot. I say what I really mean while laughing, most of the time. I can’t spell, and made worse on the ACT than you. I laugh at the commercials wanting you to sponser animals, and cheese is my favorite food. I want to be better at a lot of things, but by the time I get to doing so I forgot what they were. I don’t dance because I’m unsure of how to. I drop my phone more often than I actually use it. I reminiss about my Jeep too much because I identify people by objects too often, even myself. I love people, I hope to spend my years helping them out. I don’t feel accepted around you until I’ve made you laugh or smile. Laughter is my solution to most things. I become increadably annoyed with people that want something but wont take the steps required to obtain it, although I know I do the exact same thing on a daily bassis. I am unsure of myself less than people think I am. I’m content with my confidice level, just not with my decisiveness level. I find joy in simple things, just like everyone else. I am attached to only one and I offen detach myself. I do my best to live what I preach. I feel like hear more problems than I tell, it could be the other way around. I want people to be completely honest with me. I, as tactfully as I can, speak my mind for the most and I respect people who can do the same. I laugh like a 6 year old at all jokes refering to bowel movements. I don’t know where my time goes. My minds motto is: “It could be worse.” A negative-positive approach to life.

I know no one cares for real.

I know I don’t mean that.