Monday, August 31, 2009

I miss everything,

that is really still right here.


So today was pretty awesome, about as awesome as a Monday can get. (with a few minor annoyances… like say… school.)
I laughed my face off all day with Andrea, she’s my best friend sometimes.
I was just like, you know (invisible you), having an overall alright day.
Went to the college fair and kicked butt with Momma D (Andrea) and getting college information.
I feel a fraction of a centimeter more comfortable with the whole college idea.
And then Robotics (kick ass) and had a pretty good time.
Drove home in AMAZING weather.
I’m kind of feeling like with time I’ll love this new car.
I mean it already has a special spot in my heart with what a miracle it was to get. I didn’t love it as well as I should have, and at times I still do not. But The Blue Bonnet Bandit (BBB, first be is silent so it’s more of “BB”) is doing alright. We’re bonding. It hasn’t filled the whole Chandler left, but it’s working on it. I wish I had more gas in the thing. If so I’d tear up the streets. Car therapy.

(I am too attached to motorized vehicles, I know. It‘s really not as deep as it sounds.)
(sorry, random car rant.)

But aside from the amazingness, my mom was kind of in a craptastic mood to begin with today.
And when I rolled in from robotics I thought she was pissed cause I was late.
But … She informed me that my grandmother has been diagnosed with cancer. Again. In the other boob.
I’m believing for complete and total healing over my grandmother. You should too. She’s awesome, and although she can annoy me to no end I love her to death. And she’ll be around until the rapture, or so I’ve been saying since I was like 7. Or well, ever since I figured out the rapture was when Jesus came back, hah.

On a lighter note…
I’ve been aching all day and all weekend to get out there and work on my purple gate and windows that are still incomplete. But I’ve got too much on the agenda to do things I enjoy.

This song has been a constant sound in the back of my mind all day. I love it. Even though it pertains to absolutely no part of my life. I have no one to hold. hahaha. But nonetheless it’s a great song.

(it doesn’t sound quite as perverted as the lyrics make it out to be.)

“I've been here before a few times
And I'm quite aware we're dying
And your hands they shake with goodbyes
And I'll take you back if you'd have me
So here I am I'm trying
So here I am are you ready
Come on let me hold you touch you feel you
Kiss you taste you all night
And I'll miss your laugh your smile
I'll admit I'm wrong if you'd tell me
I'm so sick of fights I hate them
Lets start this again for real
So here I am I'm trying
So here I am are you ready
So here I am I'm trying
So here I am are you ready
Come on let me hold you touch you feel you
Kiss you taste you all night
Come on let me hold you touch you feel you
Kiss you taste you all night
I've been here before a few times
And I'm quite aware we're dying
Come on let me hold you touch you feel you
Kiss you taste you all night
Come on let me hold you touch you feel you
Kiss you taste you all night
Always “

Well, all in all I’m okay.
As usual.
I’m usually okay. Gag

See you soon.
So long.
“I’m sick with apprehension”

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Oh, right, ello.

So I haven’t blogged in a while.
In the background I can hear the TV, my mom is watching, and it’s on WAFF48 and some guy wished to remain anonymous and they screwed his voice up and blurred his face. I wish to shoot whoever thought it was okay to make his voice sound like that. I’m sure there are about 50 billion different ways they could have distorted his voice, but no they chose the one that makes you die a little inside.

Sorry for the random side note.
So, basically. I’m a senior now.
Pretty spectacular feeling.
I’m only three weeks in to my last year of high school, and I kind of like that feeling.

I’m actually feeling a little excited about life.
Not so much because I am now driving a more fuel efficient car (that I will never love quite as much as I did my large red tank) but we (the new car and I) are getting a little closer with every mutilated baked on bug in the grill. (I’ll blog more about that topic later)
Or the fact that I am at the PEAK of my high school carrier.
Or the fact that I recently overcame the snot sickness that had me begging for air with every uncomfortable position on the couch.

I’m just feeling awesome, for no particular reason.

I guess to be cliché and cheesy (it’s what I do best) I think I’m just happy to be alive :)

So to no one in particular, whoever you may be, reading this.
Be happy.
Love life… and
Just chill out.

That’s about as much cheesiness and clichés I can come up with for now.
So sleep well,