Sunday, February 28, 2010

People in hell want ice water,

But that don't mean they get it.

I never properly thanked Justine and Brandon (Justine’s BFF) for getting me those novelty sunglasses.
See, whathadhappendwas:
Justine and I spent a week in Nashville (Nashvegas) and SO MANY funny things happened I couldn’t even begin to type them all down if I wanted to. You put two hilarious people like Justine and I in a 25 story hotel in downtown country music city and a lot can happen. Well, anyway… One day Justine, Nanny P (my hilarious Aunt Paula), and myself went strolling down the main strip and happened upon this very lame and dusty souvenir store. And that’s where I found the glasses. I loved them and I wanted them. I’m just too cheap to spend $10 for them. So I didn’t get them and regretted it the whole trip. I searched our last day there for some more like them but never could find any. I’ve gone through Nashville a few times since then and I always want to go back and get those dang sunglasses but never could.
A few weeks ago Justine made a trip up to Tennessee with Brandon and well… they made a 2 hour (I believe) stop to get me those glasses. They battled the cold and the crowd and I love them dearly for it.
Justine’s my brough, she’s got my back.
And Brandon… we’ll he does what he’s told. I think. Idk.

It will come as no surprise that I am avoiding a poetry project for English right now, with my annoyingly long story and all. I have all the poems written, I just need to type and print them up. Poetry is NOT my strong point. I pretty much suck at it. Like, there aren’t even words. I’m just hoping Mapes will just think it’s too deep for her to understand, but we all know that’s a wasted hope. It makes no sense.

I am ready for summer. SO ready for summer. I am more ready for summer 2010 than I was to get my braces off. I’m more ready for summer 2010 than I was to be home on the Washington trip when some idiot pooped on the heated bus in the little bathroom that I had to sleep next to for 5+ hours.
I want summer bad, reaaallllll bad.
I honestly think it’s just more of the care free environment I want more than the actual summer. I’m completely content with this time of year, I just want to rest.

May 27th could not take any longer to get here.
( I am well aware of the fact that I sound like every other senior who is fed up with doing the same thing they’ve been doing for the past 4 years over and over again for three more months. But, hey.)

I am trying to fight the fact that I am not as funny as I once was.
I’m not much on a computer screen.
I’m better in person.
Or worse, whichever.

I’m just trying to make it through the day.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

You’re only down as long as you allow yourself to be.

Coach Walker once told my ninth grade world history class: “Never let anyone steal your happiness.”
That statement has been uttered a million times by a million different people. I’ve heard it countless times from countless people, but for some reason when he said it, it stuck.
I don’t know why him saying that has stuck with me for so long, but it has.

You’re only unhappy as long as you allow yourself to be.
You can carry around your unhappiness and your burdens as long as you like.
You’re not hurting anyone but yourself.

I’m so thankful I know someone who will carry it for me.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Here I go,

scream my lungs out and try to get to you.

"And I've thrown my words all around
But I can't, I can't give you a reason"


Saturday, February 6, 2010


I'm not as funny as I once was.

I just want to be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

I want to be warm and free. I want it to be summer.
I want it to be when my high school career is OVER.

I want it to be August 1st.