Friday, December 4, 2009

Not gonna lie.

One day I hope to be as cool as Justine.


10 Things I Hate About Myself (and my life situations):
1) That I actually feel the need to make a list of ten things I hate about myself.
2) That I do not fittingly think on my feet, at times.
3) I get too caught up in all that nonsense and gobbledygook of the people around me.
4) I’m using Microsoft Works Word Processor to spell check this.
6) The fact that I feel as though I come across to people as, shallow, unconfident, self-doubting, and insecure, at times. When I do not actually feel that way at all.
7) I can never correctly convey what I mean.
8) My awkward social interactions.
9) My lack of self-control when it comes to food.
10) I feel completely misunderstood, 99.99% of my time spent in consciousness.

10 Things I Like About Myself:
1) I make myself laugh, a lot.
2) I’m organized
3) I try, from time to time.
4) I will never have to perm my hair.
5) I don’t have a problem acting like an idiot to a certain extent. (that can be a bad thing)
6) I don’t take candy from strangers.
7) I don’t have a problem being alone.
8) I can drive.
9) Even though it is a struggle, I’ve searched for 10 things I like about myself.
10) I’ve been told I make people laugh from time to time.

I do not hate myself.
I am completely content in who I am... when I’m not being stupid.
I just tend to be stupid a lot.
I also tend to not know what I want a lot.
I guess all this wasted time and confusion is just a part of the Courtney Bundle.

"I never really gave up on getting out of this two star town."


  1. HA! McCurly I love you! And I'm right there with you, I promise. Hang in there.
