Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh, the joys of being a failure.


I thought I’d give this whole blog thing a shot.
Right now is most likely not a good time to “give this blog thing a shot” seeing as I am extremely angry at this point in time. (I failed chemistry, and screwed up pretty big time in Algebra,) and I am now paying the consequences, for the next two weeks.

In my mind, I do not understand how being grounded for grades makes since. I mean if I stole a car, or partied a little too hard and Madre found out, that would be one thing. I can see how being grounded and trapped at home would make since then. But being grounded for grades, when you’re someone like me, I find is exceedingly STUPID. SHE KNOWS I’ve had a tough last ( I don’t even really keep count anymore, lets just go with two months.) What with me being sick twice, my great great aunt (even with the distant relevance I was still very close to) dying, my constant struggle with chemistry (which turned out to be a pointless effort after all), the crap face people surrounding me, and the pretty much daily struggle that is life in high school. So the adequate punishment for me failing is to take away time spent with people I actually like being around? The people that keep me from going mad. I DO understand that punishment or maybe more time spent that is dedicated to chemistry is totally called for here, but to be forced against your will to be stuck in the house with the last person you would want to be stuck in a house with, well…. that’s just sick. But whatever, parents are right even if they are wrong I have discovered. Its whatever.
I’m used to it.
I’m just another typical pissed off teenager. Pissed because they have been told once again that they were wrong.

I am normally not this angry, and not this pessimistic. (okay so the last statement is not completely true.)


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