Saturday, February 28, 2009

A very long, very detailed account of my first day being grounded.

I put this picture up for no apparent reason.

THIS IS A LOT PREPARE YOURSELF. (I am not a person of few words)

Well, my first official twenty fours of being grounded went better than I thought they would, I guess you could say.Partly because either my mom does not understand the full meaning of being “grounded” or only “grounded” me because somewhere in the parental law book you MUST ground your child if they fail a class no matter what the circumstances may be. Or maybe it’s a combination of both?

I started the day off with quality time well spent with my cat. (who shall remain unnamed due to the fact that I named her when I was six. Lets just say the word “baby“ is involved…) All the cool kids these days spend time with their furry pet and watch sponge bob on Saturday mornings. I know, don’t be too envious. And then I felt kind of like a tub of lard, and thought I should go run. I called Garrett but for reasons unknown he did not answer his phone. And then I called Justine. To see if one of the two would like to join me in my quest to feel not like a tub of lard. And so, I went and picked up Justine interrupting her tedious job of coloring in her Pirates of the Caribbean coloring book (and waited for her to find her other shoe, that ended up being in the corner of her room under some article of clothing. )

We eventually made it to Wilson Morgan Park, and ran a little in the cold and mist. We made it half way or so around the track before running seized to hold our attention. We walked down toward the water (with only minor difficulty, I got a thorn in my thumb) and then contemplated and plotted how to jump over the big concrete wall, but decided to save that task for a later date. We made our way back to the trail (with Justine only managing to slide down a small mud slope). And then came the major part of the mornings events.

We followed the trail a bit, and ran through a few puddles. And then thought we’d try to get to a “island” type thing jutting out into the pond. We did not make it to the “island type thing”.

I thought I could make a jump from the area with the trail, to the next area that I think is specifically designed to keep you from getting to the “island type thing”. So basically I am trying to jump from one mound of dirt to the next with a ditch filled with water (deeper water than normal because of all the recent rain) in between me and the other mound. The mound of dirt I was jumping from was down hill and I chickened out of a few anticipated running jumps before I actually attempted to hurl myself across the (actually not really that wide) wide stream of water. It did not go well.

I ended up sliding up hill in the mud. On my face.

Not a very pleasant experience.

Instinctively I had my hands out in front of me to catch myself. But with no surprise they didn’t really help much. What I believe actually stopped me from continuing to slide up hill was a rock. A rock that stopped me from sliding up hill by being conveniently located right in the direct path of my head. So, I pretty much was sliding uphill in the mud on my head, until my head slammed into a rock and stopped me.

Also, not a very pleasant experience.

We laughed a lot. And I ended up with minor injuries to my hands, wrist, head (mainly just an ache), and clothing.


Justine thought she should give it a shot.She had a few canceled running jumps, like myself. But finally went for it. Her fall was much more graceful I must say. She was soaring pretty well for about two seconds and then her foot grazed the water, and then the edge of the stream which eventually sent her plummeting into the landing strip that I cleared for her earlier. Right before finally settling into the ground she did a mid air twist that prevented her from landing face down and is ultimately the better way to land-not face down. Only minor injuries there too, she twisted her knee funny (I think she used that leg for the pivot point of the mid air twist, and consequently it suffered minor injuries)… she walked away with mud and rain damage to her clothing (like I said, not face first was the better way to land).

We were too tired and injured to attempt a jump back (our dreams of going to the “island type thingy” were forgotten after we realized I was bleeding). So I just walked right through the stream, soaking my shoes the rest of the way. Justine followed.

And then we laughed a lot more.

We ran through a few more pulldes, and got in the car. We stopped by Andrea’s to show Andrea and Sarah our lovely soaked and mudded clothing (and my bleeding hands) and to tell them the story.We laughed a lot, and then Justine and I both went home.

Round two of my not as boring as I thought it would be first twenty four hours of my being grounded.
Came home, told my mom what happened.
Made some food, watched TV
Said bye to my mom (she was going to my Great Great Aunt Frances’ house (the one who died) to help Betty (Frances’ daughter) with some stuff, and to just… help Betty out, and keep her from having to do that alone.

Got ready.
Lauren came over.
Went to Walgreen’s to get a phone card.
Went to Chick-fil-a to grub.
Sat and talked to Lauren.
Went home to blow out a candle I accidentally left going.
Got back out and went to Holly Wood Video and got the movies Sex Drive and Driving Lessons (we weren’t intending to go with a driving theme, but we did. Both were excellent movies)

Also-side note: apparently hanging out with Lauren IS considered acceptable grounded behavior. But going to Wal-Mart to buy paint is not. (my mom actually suggested I hang out with Lauren after she told me I could not go to Wal-Mart to buy more paint so I could paint while being grounded.) Odd? Lauren’s mother also felt the same way.

Watched Sex Drive (laughed a lot)
I embarrassed myself when Betty and my mom got back because I could not fit a ring that was Frances’ on my ring finger, but now wear it on my pinkie (I have big meaty claws, man hands)
Lauren went home to eat
I went and got my mom a milkshake,
went to star bucks to get myself some coffee.
Ran into Robert.
Made an idiot out of myself with my phone and the money and the lady behind the counter.
Ran into Tre’.
He gave me a book I cannot wait to read.
Drove home.
Manage to spill about half of my moms milkshake into the center consol of my jeep.
Cleaned that out.
Lauren came back over.
We watched Driving Lessons.
She went home
My mom preformed a minor surgery on my hands that still had dirt embedded in them.
I folded some clothes.
I sat down at the computer.
I’ve been here ever since.

I have said too much.
Have a nice… life or whatever.


1 comment:

  1. LOL. One; that is hilarious and would so happen to me.

    Two; for the last time, you do not have man-hands.

    Three; That IS quite strange about the paint thing. Very strange indeed.

    Four; thank you ubermuch for getting me to BAM today :)

    Five; Wow, Lauren really IS a fatty. lol
