Friday, February 27, 2009

So maybe you should know me?

I feel compelled to let you (the two people who will actually read this, who already know me, Gabby and Lauren) know a little about me, and my life. I don’t know if this is traditionally done in the whole blog world (this is my fist time to blog, for real) but who needs tradition anyway. And from the little I have gathered about this whole thing, it doesn’t really matter.

Disclaimer: I cannot spell. Also, my grammar skills are lacking, in a serious way. I’m sure I could work on both and make it look like I know what I am doing, but I’m too lazy. And I often cannot convey what I am trying to say very well, I’m not very… smooth or graceful with my words. I also don’t normally like to write and have people read it (right! so why don't you get a blog?!) I regularly cannot come up with the word I need to describe how I feel, when in person, I often use hand gestures and sound effects to get my point across the best I can. (And it also appears I only notice things that are wrong with me.)

I have very unnatural looking natural curly hair (hints the name “McCurly“)I enjoy reading. The less real world the better.
I talk a lot sometimes (most of the time).
I also (sometimes) mumble and talk too fast, and I think Lauren is one of the only people who understands what I am saying.
I am a Christian, despite my many mishaps and screw ups.
I also enjoy music, but not in the way that all I can ever do is talk about music, and all the music I know, and all the music you should know. (music is not your life, get over it. You should also be slapped.)
I try not to jump to conclusions about people, or be too judgmental (I do not always keep this statement true, but for the most part I try to.)( I try to just assume everyone is nice and friendly until proven otherwise.) (but I am often proven otherwise)
.I say “often” often.
I’m not a good person to watch TV (or any form of TV such as movies) with due to the fact that I always have something to say about the show/movie every ten seconds.
I’ve been told on many occasions that I’m awkward, and that I make most conversations and situations awkward. I guess you could just say I am overall an awkward person.
I change my mind frequently-or better yet-I’m indecisive. I can never really pick anything for sure, either I don’t know what I want or I don’t care enough to pick something.
I'm cheesy.
I talk to myself all the time.
I’m very organized.
I actually enjoy cleaning.
I make mental list for everything, and always say them out loud when say for instance, I walk out the door, or pack my lunch. (so I don’t forget things)
I also make fun of myself a lot. (Its not so much a confidence issue as it is a way to vent my agitation I sometimes feel toward myself for saying or doing something stupid. Which is often. Psychoanalyze that as much as you would like. And also because when you make fun of yourself people laugh, not so much at you as it is with you.) ( I swear I do not hate or think little of myself constantly.)
I want to travel, live/visit/stay anywhere and everywhere. (I went to India my freshman year, and well, I had always wanted to travel before, and then after the trip… all I can do is pick out places I want to go next.)
I’ll have to quote what Gabby The Great once said to me during one of the many discussion at the art table. We were all having everyone tell each other things they had observed about each other in the short time we had spent together. Gabby said something along the lines of this about me : “You care about what people think of you, but not to the extent that you are going to change who you really are.” (I thought that was very clever, and it has stuck with me)
I think you can tell a lot about a person by their favorite color and also by what style/type of car they drive, (for reasons unknown) so do what you can with that.
I have no favorite color, I cannot pick one. I guess you could say I like most of them.
I drive (very dangerously) a large red jeep that I have recently renamed The Mayflower. (original name: Chandler)
I stay in a bubble of oblivion sometimes, I never pay enough attention to the world going on around me.
I try speak my mind for the most part, and I like people who will do the same.
I like people (sometimes), and I like to spend time with people (sometimes).
I have never written this much about myself, ever.
I have some of THE coolest friends and people in my life, and would not be able to go on without them.

This is just the beginning of the madness, you don’t even know.


1 comment:

  1. Lol! You don't say "often" THAT much... :) and I am quite honored to be quoted. :D You're actually a very good blogger; you say what you mean in a way people can understand with just the right glimmer of your real personality showing through. I'm REALLY glad to call you a friend, Courtney; you're awesome in an epic way. (Ps- I didn't know your Jeep is The Mayflower, and that's really cool...but something about Chandler made me think Chandler M. in band and I started laughing. :D )

