Sunday, September 27, 2009

Don't forget you haven't lost it all yet


I must sleep now.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I guess this is over now,

I guess it's called a falling out.

Well, kinda.
The part involving my mother sucked.
It’s a bit better now.
Friday was so awesome that maybe it must be canceled out with the suckyness of today.

I have so much to say
"I thought of all the things I’d like to say, cramped up and couldn’t write a word all day.”

this sums it all up.

Put that in your oven and bake it, or shoot me in the face.
Preferably the later of the two.

(All this talk of wanting to be shot is out of pure misery, nothing more. So do not shoot me in the face, give me a hug and a solution to this.)

shoot me in the face

Monday, September 7, 2009

You'll never have to be alone

Happy Labor Day.


My mother may or may not leave me alone in Decatur for two or more weeks soon.

This should be interesting.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Oh, awesome

This is my life:
I’m on the computer, Instant Messaging my best friend (and brother, like I do every night) via my dial up internet.
Shamefully listening to country music I wouldn’t admit to listening to to save my life (well, that’s a lie).
My mother is on the pullout bed behind me sleeping (or reading every word I type)
I just facebook IMed my cousin in the guest pink flowery room who is too involved with World of Warcraft to respond back to my “So, anything more entertaining going on in there” (there are about 57 sexual innuendoes to that question)
All the while I’m sitting on an ottoman that hurts my back because the one ACTUAL computer chair is otherwise occupied by my aunt, who is also here to visit, because she needs it to better mobilize herself with her walker because she slipped and tore her Achilles tendon.
My grandmother who was once married to my schizophrenic grandfather is next to her snoring louder than a dying beached whale.
I’m typing this out on Microsoft word because I make too many spelling errors to type this elsewhere.

This isn’t even half the story.
Also, I’ll most likely put this in a blog...
and going to a family reunion tomorrow.

Not to repeat myself...but... If you have a heart, and the smallest amount of kindness in that heart you'll save me.

I feel like I’m watching the same movie over and over again.

Either my life, and the people in it, are super predictable, or I am telepathic.

It’s not as convenient as it sounds.

It's more like mind numbing.

Honestly, I probably only have myself to blame.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I really hate the local news.

Tonight I got up and spoke/shared with my youth group.
(I realize how lame that sounds, but that basically is what I did and there’s no way to get around the lameness.)
I forgot a few things I wanted to say.
“Uhm” and “basically” were my main words used.

We don’t have school next Monday thanks to good old Labor Day.
BUT lucky old me will most likely not be able to enjoy this three day weekend.
The family is coming.

And when my family comes to town, the nice side of my mother leaves.
She becomes pure evil when they’re here. (She's half way there already. She can feel them coming)
NO MATTER WHAT I DO I WILL PISS HER OFF. ( I have already, doing NOTHING. Doing only what I do any other day.)
Throughout my 17 years I have tired numerous ways of going about my dreaded family visits in hopes of a positive outcome, all of which have ended in failure.
I hope this one will be different.
But that’s …. most likely NOT going to happen.

She morphs into super mom evil woman EVERY SINGLE TIME her family is around.
I don’t mind my family visiting.
I mind my mother being EVIL while they’re here.
And it’s always “HER family” not mine.
Not my family. My family is in Bearcreek.
They’re hers, all hers.
Yet I’m forced to be around them EVERY second they are around.


SHE ALSO WONT GET REGULAR INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you have a heart shoot me.

It could always be worse.


Or so I tell myself.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

There is a whole home made cheesecake in my refrigerator that I am not to eat until Thursday. I don’t know how that's going to work out.

So today wasn’t quite as notably good or bad as yesterday was.
Just eh, another day in the life. (hah)
As usual I woke up late today. I wake up late everyday. I’m always so late waking up from my actual intended time that when I do wake up “late” it’s actually pretty much “on time.”
I hate this about myself, but sleep is too important in the morning. I AM NOT a morning person.
But Yeah, So along with the “waking up late” (later than the actual late) this morning I also had a gift from my cat.
Throw up.
Right in my doorway to my room
So, when every second counts in your morning routine this can be a set back.
So I rushed.
And got ready.
And got in my car.
And did my normal blue car bolt down the Beltline and Westmead .
While rounding the curve on Westmead a fine fellow in black decided to inform me of my speed.
I was “going 36 and climbing on that dip back there, in Decatur all city streets are 30.”
Good to know.
Got off with a warning.
I played the whole “I’m about to pee on myself, I’m sorry officer. I’m ignorant. The state made a mistake when they gave me my license.”
I’ve been pulled over twice in my life.
Both times I act like an ignorant teenage girl. (it’s what I do best)
So I BEAST it to school cause now it is 7:47am and the tarty bell rings at 7:50am (the one that says you should be in class like NOW or you go get a pass and yadayadyada)
So SOMEHOW I made it to Algebra II with about 6 seconds to spare.
I’m never on time, but I always get there.
Anyhow that was the main highlight of my day. (and it will not be the highlight of my mothers, what she doesn’t’ know wont hurt me.)
The rest of the day was pretty bland.
You know, after being chased down by the cops and all.

Came home from school, took an unintended hour nap. I woke up still undressed from my school clothes. I came home stripped down with the intentions of putting on comfy shorts and a t-shirt, but before getting redressed I flopped down on my bed. Only to wake up an hour later freezing with my cat asleep on my belly praying my mother hadn’t come in and seen me in my undergarments looking like a whale.
Watched Everybody Loves Raymond (to wake up a little before cutting the grass)
And then another episode
And then one more
And then Friends (I was awake, just waiting on something to eat)
And then Seinfeld... when my mom suggested pizza.
Got off my butt, ate pizza, cut the grass in the front yard because it was almost dark.
Went to walgreens for my photography project pictures
Came home
Back to walgreens
To Justine’s cause I got her some chocolate covered almonds (she's been sick, I'm her brother (LONG STORY))
Now after a few insignificant things I’m here.

WHY did I just break down my whole day for you?
I honestly don’t know.

Do what you can with that.
Jesus loves you, and I’ll try.