Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I really hate the local news.

Tonight I got up and spoke/shared with my youth group.
(I realize how lame that sounds, but that basically is what I did and there’s no way to get around the lameness.)
I forgot a few things I wanted to say.
“Uhm” and “basically” were my main words used.

We don’t have school next Monday thanks to good old Labor Day.
BUT lucky old me will most likely not be able to enjoy this three day weekend.
The family is coming.

And when my family comes to town, the nice side of my mother leaves.
She becomes pure evil when they’re here. (She's half way there already. She can feel them coming)
NO MATTER WHAT I DO I WILL PISS HER OFF. ( I have already, doing NOTHING. Doing only what I do any other day.)
Throughout my 17 years I have tired numerous ways of going about my dreaded family visits in hopes of a positive outcome, all of which have ended in failure.
I hope this one will be different.
But that’s …. most likely NOT going to happen.

She morphs into super mom evil woman EVERY SINGLE TIME her family is around.
I don’t mind my family visiting.
I mind my mother being EVIL while they’re here.
And it’s always “HER family” not mine.
Not my family. My family is in Bearcreek.
They’re hers, all hers.
Yet I’m forced to be around them EVERY second they are around.


SHE ALSO WONT GET REGULAR INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you have a heart shoot me.

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