Saturday, November 28, 2009

I am normally not one to favor a season...

but, dang, I miss summer.
(all of them...)

I haven’t applied to college, but…

My senior research paper is done...

I feel like I could crap my pants and still smile.
I am so relieved. (nasstttyyyy)

I can enjoy my last day of thanksgiving break, thank you Holy Lord.

I am so great right now.
My research paper is done.

So long and good day.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

yeah, yeah, we don't have to talk about it.

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
E’ry day I attend Austin High School.

Ever receive a really long apology?
Not that I can think of.

Will tomorrow be a good day?
I do believe so.

Do you put ketchup on top of your french fries or on the side?
I really don’t have that great of a relationship with ketchup.

How many tattoos would you like to have?
Eh, one. Or none. I don’t know.

What is annoying you right now?
My mother, as always.

Do you laugh a lot?
I try to.

What are you listening to at the moment?
The Mentalist.

When was the last time you cried?
I don’t remember.

Have you, in any way, been betrayed by someone you trusted?

Lets say you had a baby with the last person you kissed?

Do you still talk to the last person you kissed?
Not much to talk about.

Is there anyone who doesn't like you?
I wouldn’t be surprised.

Whos the last 4 received calls on your phone from?
Sandra Dee, Sarah Kirby, Justine Sullivan, Tre’ Cole.

What were you doing at 7:00 AM?
Waking up.

Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?

Is love really worth fighting for?

I bet you miss somebody right now?
I bet.

Do you fix the spaces on surveys?
I dunno.

Who's clothes are you wearing?
Mine, and my dad’s old sweat shirt.

Do you think the last person you kissed cares for you?

Where were you at 4 this morning?

Next time you will kiss someone?

Have you broken the law in the last 3 days?
Speeding, that’s right, I’m a rebel.

Who have you texted today?
Justine, Andrea, Jessica, Lauren, Robert, Clark, Twitter.

Who were you last on the phone with?
My mom. (EFFFF!)

Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
Nah, not anymore really.

Do you know anyone that smokes weed?

What color underwear are you wearing?
Pink and black.

What if your boyfriend/girlfriend went through your cellphone?
They would be incredibly bored.

Recently kissed anyone with the name starting with a L?

Is your #1 single?
I don’t know.

Have you kissed anyone on your top?

Is your #2 single?

What were you doing before you came home recently?
Going to buy milk at Walgreens.

How can I win your heart?
I’ll let you know when I know.

Did you have a nap yesterday?
I don’t remember. My days blur together.

What do you wear more : jeans or sweats ?

Will this Friday be a good one?
Any day that is not proceeded by a school day is a good day.

Have you ever had a best friend of the opposite sex?

Did you sleep alone last night?

Can you fit into your best friend's shoes?
Nope. I’m a big foot.

If you could change your eye color, what would it be?
I don’t think I would, but maybe green?

Do you ever wonder how other people see you?
Eh, I doubt I would be human if I didn’t.

Could you go out in public looking like you do now?
Yeah, just did.
Did you take this survey from Jessica?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I find myself forgetting what day of the week is

We were so much cooler when we were young.
It feels like things were simpler then,

but I’m sure at the time I wouldn’t have agreed.

One day I'll feel as though now is simple.
Well, it is simple now, just people tend to… make it not so simple haha.

I am incredibly stuffed..
My mom made apple pie. It. Was. So. Good.
I can like literally fill the excess food sitting in my throat.
Why do I eat so much?

I’m ready for Friday
(I’m a weekend warrior)
And… I do believe Roblark* will be here

*Roblark: Robert and Clark (good friends who have abandoned the hell-hole that is Decatur, Alabama and moved on to more pleasant ways of living, known as college.)

I’m ready for fun, and carefree roaming.

I febreze every chance I get. (spring and renewal)

Due to my mothers (not so)recent taking up of smoking the house stinks even more.
She doesn’t smoke in the house, she smokes in the garage.
The thin wall and doorway however do not do a sufficient job of blocking out the horrid stench of cigarette smoke and nasty garage.

I want a house with decorations (not involving 20 different flower prints) with color on the walls and high speed internet. And… it would also be awesome if the house didn’t reek of smoke.

I’m not complaining, I mean at least I HAVE a house….
But… a few small steps, and TAH-DAH it’d be like brand freakin’ new.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I don't know bout chu,

but I don't know of the troubles you speak of.

My only trouble in life is I never seem to have enough time on my hands.
But all I want is for time to fly.

Lets get to the good part.

I want a laptop, heck, I just want normal internet.
Why me?

I need this thanksgiving break coming up.
LORD knows I need it.

I just want to be free.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I have nothing

intelligent or interesting to say.

I’ve had a great weekend thus far.

It’s all good.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

You’ve lost me…

has been the statement of the day.


I miss these days.
Kind of.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I eat ice cubes until I’m freezing cold.

At this rate I should have my teeth down to nubs by the time I’m forty.

I’ve had an alright week.
MONDAY was the BEST.
NOT ONLY did I have two lunches*…

*Why, on God’s green earth, would the Decatur City School system and/or the lunch ladies** do such a thing?
To serve C-nuggs and TSSWTGOI (That Steak Stuff With The Gravy On It)
(THE ONLY things I passionately desire in our lunch room, ever.) .
I’ve heard all my life: “If you can’t pick one, get both.”
So I did as I’ve been told

**I shouldn’t say “ladies” ‘cause I’ve seen a homeboy back there workin’, just one.
And I bet he loves being called a “lunch lady”

Relient K was so spur of the moment I didn’t even have time to mentally prepare for the awesomeness that was about to happen.
I went to OCTANE (a very awesome youth group thing on Monday nights at my church) and someone started talking about a free Relient K show at Bridge Street.
So, you know, I sss-krate up went.
I touched his hand.
I touched Matt Thiessen’s hand.
The hand that wrote the words to the songs that have sang me to sleep for the past 6 years of my life.***

***I like to pride myself in not being the typical teenage girl
1) I don’t like chocolate that much
2) I never blame it on PMS
3) I don’t buy magazines and lay on my bed waiting for boys to call (HAH!)
(I am the typical teenage girl, just not anything like the ones in movies, no one ever is)

BUT I did have a typical teenage girl break down when Matt Thiessen was less than 10 feet from me.
Almost crying, squeezing my friends arm (Thank you Cachet, once more), and screaming… the whole nine yards.
It was beautiful.

The rest of the week cannot compare.

I didn’t have school today, which was nice.
(Happy Veterans Day)
I just spent the day sleeping, cleaning, and writing a Research Paper. (e’ry-ting any kid would want to do on their day off)
And then I went to church, which was good. As always.

I love how I always write about my days, or my distaste for my mother here.
My days are lame, and my mother lamer.

So bless your souls for reading this.

And… until next time…____________ (insert something witty here).

Friday, November 6, 2009


"I never thought I'd be driving through the country just to drive
With only music and the clothes that I woke up in
I never thought I'd need all this time alone it goes to show
I had so much yet
I had need for nothing
But you

This is just therapy
Let's call it what it is (Not what we were)
With a death-grip on this life always transitioning
This is just therapy
Cause you won't take my calls and that makes God the only one who's left here listening to me

Letting it all sink in
It's good to feel a sting now and again
I hope it's one less woeful thing there is to fight through
Forgetting it all begin
Fresh paper and nice expensive pen
The past can not subtract a thing from what I might do
For you

Unless that's what I let it do
Loneliness and solitude are two things not to get confused
Cause I spend my solitude with you
I gather all the questions of the things I just can't get straight
And I answer them the way I guess you'd do
Cause this is my therapy
Cause you're the only one that's listening to me

This is my therapy
Let's call it what it is not what we were
With a death-grip on this life that's in transition
This is my therapy
Cause you won't hear me out and that makes God the only one who's left here listening"

BG is my only friend

She gives me trouble from time to time, but nothing like this.

What was previously said here was so dumb it had to be deleted.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Justifying spelling mistakes.

Kourtknee pm [8:59 PM]: check out my comment...
justinedotkom [8:59 PM]: LAWWWLZZ
Kourtknee pm [8:59 PM]: hahaha
Kourtknee pm [8:59 PM]: kicked kev's ass
justinedotkom [8:59 PM]: 'ats muh boy
justinedotkom [9:00 PM]: i just commented
justinedotkom [9:00 PM]: wow you just upped someone on spelling. GO COURTNEY
Kourtknee pm [9:00 PM]: I KNOW!
Kourtknee pm [9:01 PM]: I love that feeling... is this what it feels like for you every time I spell something wrong?
Kourtknee pm [9:01 PM]: It's empowering.
justinedotkom [9:01 PM]: no, the feeling for me has died down quite a bit considering it comes often. no offense.
Kourtknee pm [9:01 PM]:
hah, none taken
Kourtknee pm [9:02 PM]: it's okay if you know you can't spell, isn't it?
justinedotkom [9:02 PM]: yeah, and you take certain actions to make sure you're spelling things right when available.
Kourtknee pm [9:02 PM]: yes, I do
Kourtknee pm [9:02 PM]: I'm not careless about it
Kourtknee pm [9:03 PM]: And I've got your and you're down pretty good... unless i'm in a hurry justinedotkom [9:03 PM]: and you usually know when you misspell something.
Kourtknee pm [9:03 PM]: yessir
justinedotkom [9:03 PM]: people make mistakes.
justinedotkom [9:03 PM]: id say youre straight.
Kourtknee pm [9:03 PM]: it happens
Kourtknee pm [9:03 PM]: Well, thank you
justinedotkom [9:03 PM]: and you got your there, their, and they'res down, right?
Kourtknee pm [9:03 PM]: sho do
justinedotkom [9:03 PM]: you're set for life then.
Kourtknee pm [9:05 PM]: I feel set.
justinedotkom [9:05 PM]: no worries.
Kourtknee pm [9:05 PM]: Outback
justinedotkom [9:05 PM]: steakhouse

I've been convincing myself that I'm worthwhile...

'Cause I'm worth what I'll convince myself to be."

I am less than 2 feet from my mother.
And I have never felt so far from her in my life.
I wish I could be physically as far away from her as I feel mentally.

This is not healthy.

I just want to move far far far far far far far far far far far away from here.