Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I find myself forgetting what day of the week is

We were so much cooler when we were young.
It feels like things were simpler then,

but I’m sure at the time I wouldn’t have agreed.

One day I'll feel as though now is simple.
Well, it is simple now, just people tend to… make it not so simple haha.

I am incredibly stuffed..
My mom made apple pie. It. Was. So. Good.
I can like literally fill the excess food sitting in my throat.
Why do I eat so much?

I’m ready for Friday
(I’m a weekend warrior)
And… I do believe Roblark* will be here

*Roblark: Robert and Clark (good friends who have abandoned the hell-hole that is Decatur, Alabama and moved on to more pleasant ways of living, known as college.)

I’m ready for fun, and carefree roaming.

I febreze every chance I get. (spring and renewal)

Due to my mothers (not so)recent taking up of smoking the house stinks even more.
She doesn’t smoke in the house, she smokes in the garage.
The thin wall and doorway however do not do a sufficient job of blocking out the horrid stench of cigarette smoke and nasty garage.

I want a house with decorations (not involving 20 different flower prints) with color on the walls and high speed internet. And… it would also be awesome if the house didn’t reek of smoke.

I’m not complaining, I mean at least I HAVE a house….
But… a few small steps, and TAH-DAH it’d be like brand freakin’ new.

1 comment:

  1. I can't stand cigarette smoke either. I love the smell of Black & Milds and incense, though, oddly enough. Dom can't seem to quit smoking, but he's promised to keep it on the porch once David and I move in, and when I visited I found it quite sweet that there were Plug-ins in the front room of the house (Dom's room). I feel ya on the other issues as well. Have a good night, hon.
