Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I eat ice cubes until I’m freezing cold.

At this rate I should have my teeth down to nubs by the time I’m forty.

I’ve had an alright week.
MONDAY was the BEST.
NOT ONLY did I have two lunches*…

*Why, on God’s green earth, would the Decatur City School system and/or the lunch ladies** do such a thing?
To serve C-nuggs and TSSWTGOI (That Steak Stuff With The Gravy On It)
(THE ONLY things I passionately desire in our lunch room, ever.) .
I’ve heard all my life: “If you can’t pick one, get both.”
So I did as I’ve been told

**I shouldn’t say “ladies” ‘cause I’ve seen a homeboy back there workin’, just one.
And I bet he loves being called a “lunch lady”

Relient K was so spur of the moment I didn’t even have time to mentally prepare for the awesomeness that was about to happen.
I went to OCTANE (a very awesome youth group thing on Monday nights at my church) and someone started talking about a free Relient K show at Bridge Street.
So, you know, I sss-krate up went.
I touched his hand.
I touched Matt Thiessen’s hand.
The hand that wrote the words to the songs that have sang me to sleep for the past 6 years of my life.***

***I like to pride myself in not being the typical teenage girl
1) I don’t like chocolate that much
2) I never blame it on PMS
3) I don’t buy magazines and lay on my bed waiting for boys to call (HAH!)
(I am the typical teenage girl, just not anything like the ones in movies, no one ever is)

BUT I did have a typical teenage girl break down when Matt Thiessen was less than 10 feet from me.
Almost crying, squeezing my friends arm (Thank you Cachet, once more), and screaming… the whole nine yards.
It was beautiful.

The rest of the week cannot compare.

I didn’t have school today, which was nice.
(Happy Veterans Day)
I just spent the day sleeping, cleaning, and writing a Research Paper. (e’ry-ting any kid would want to do on their day off)
And then I went to church, which was good. As always.

I love how I always write about my days, or my distaste for my mother here.
My days are lame, and my mother lamer.

So bless your souls for reading this.

And… until next time…____________ (insert something witty here).

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