Monday, December 27, 2010


[][][][]}{}{}][][!!!!!!+~*** OMG ii <3 Mii BF!~!~!***** ***** * * * * * * ~~~~!!!!!!!



Thursday, December 16, 2010



Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

All this time

and everything has changed, but I still feel the same.

I need to poop.
My thoughts get no deeper than that nowadays.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Today is my first day of class...

That's right... class... not school.
I really have nothing more to say...
I just wanted to post this because I will now have 100 posts and not 99.

so much is different now.

I already miss summer. I want to go back to May 27th and start it all over again. I think we'd all do a lot of things different.
Or at least, I hope we would.
We'll never know.

goodnight, good luck. I hope it all works in your favor.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

This is just another one of those blogs...

... where I feel like I have one million incomplete ideas that I want to say... but all the things I want to say I can't put into like some form or organization to write it well... and it's late (early)... and the things I say/type aren't grammatically correct but I don't care... 'cause it's late (early) and I just want to get that one incomplete thought out there some how. So I settle for a blog post versus a tweet or a facebook update because it's not formed well enough into words to be put out there where a lot of people will see it and judge it. So I just came here... I came here to say...


I can't really remember what it was...


I'm going to miss the era of time... The time of our youth.
I'm going to miss all these people I've come to love and know.
All these people who I've shared so much time with.
All these people who I've laughed with.
All these people who know who I am and how I am.
All those people who I understand.
All those times.
All that time.
I'm going to miss it.
Nothing is ever going to be the same. (and to be honest, it really hasn't been the same in a long time)

I wouldn't mind reliving the good times I've had, one last time.
But I'm also very very ready to move on.
Tre' is right...

It's all just bittersweet.

I have met wonderful people in my 18 years, and I'm so excited to meet more.
I'll miss you all, and all of the memories.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Well, I guess things have changed...

I've had my wisdom teeth removed... again.
I have so much to talk about or whatever, like to catch up on... but I don't really know where to start, or how to say it all... and I never really feel like writing anything any more.
I just get on here and read Justine's blogs and dream of the days when I had things to say.
A lot has happened, but a lot has stayed the same.
It's slowly starting to hit me that everyone is leaving... that I'm going to be stuck here with half of the people I've come to know and love gone.
It's such an odd feeling, that everything isn't going to be anything like the way it was but you're still in the same place.
I'm going to miss high school (that burns me to type)
but I really think I am.
Just the carefreeness of it all... (new word)

The left side of my face is about as big as my whole head.
The picture doesn't do it justice...

Why does my life have odd quirks like a dentist that lives an hour and a half away, sealing the neighbors wifi, being one of 5 houses in America that still have dial up, cats named Baby Girl, and curly but straight hair...? (fail)... just sayin'

I don't know.

I shouldn't even post these things, this just gives me something to do while everyone else is out there and I'm in here holding gauze in my teeth and sadly eating a chikfila chocolate milkshake..


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Andrea knows my taste in music better than I do...

If I Had My Way by Jeff Pianki <3

it just like pretty much sums up everything.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I am a collector of things.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


My blogs suck, don't read them, thank you Matt and Justine.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

when everyone else refrained,

Uncle Johnny did cocaine.

I graduate from high school later today.

It hasn't hit me yet.

SO ready to have it all over with.

I think.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I can't wait til I get home

to pass the time in my room alone.

(lame, I know.)

I look like homeboy ^

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dog Days Are Over

Just a few more...

I just can't wait to be free.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Justine is my best friend.
I can be fat and retarded and she doesn't judge me.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I got a laptop.
and I'm suuupahhh stoked.


thank GOD.

so longggg

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.
My favorite movie is Princess Diaries.
My other favorite move is Elizabethtown.
I really don’t have a favorite movie.
I come up with crazy ideas that I never follow through.
I love the fair, even though I rarely go.
I can’t remember the last time I had a favorite color.
I’m too tolerant of my friends according to my mother.
I’m too tolerant of my mother according to my friends.
I have a brand new car, but I want my old one.
I like funerals.
I want to leave the country.
I steal my neighbors WIFI
I go to Walgreen’s when I don’t know what else to do.
I take pictures of pet (BG) and send them to my friends.
I feel self centered saying all this stuff about myself.
I love roller coasters.
I don’t want to go to prom, but I’m kind of excited to get dressed up.
I like elephants.
I’ve had a dog for 3 days, and that’s it.
I never have cell phone service.
As of right now I have one pair of shorts that fit me correctly.
I can’t spell.
I can’t dance.
I repeat what people say to me when I’m on the phone.
I don’t care.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Do you have reasonable doubt?

I just have reasonable ignorance.

I am 90% water and 10% Pecan Delights…
I can’t stop.

There is too much going on for me to say more than this.
There is nothing going on.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

For a lack of better words.

I tried the list but it didn't work.

I want to travel the world. If I’m not up doing something I feel like I’m wasting time, but then again I love to just sit around and do nothing. I contridict myself sometimes. Most of the time I know what I want, but I have no clue what it is. I don’t floss as much as I want to, and I love to brush my teeth. I take long showers and sometimes purposely avoid my friends. I am NEVER on time when it counts, but when it doesn’t count I’m there way too soon. I love Bearcreek, Alabama but avoid it at all costs. I am completely content with being alone, but I love all the people around me. I am never up to date on current events, even though I complete one Tuesday-Thursday in Coach Cameron’s calss. I’m good with whatever, but won’t tolorate a lot. I say what I really mean while laughing, most of the time. I can’t spell, and made worse on the ACT than you. I laugh at the commercials wanting you to sponser animals, and cheese is my favorite food. I want to be better at a lot of things, but by the time I get to doing so I forgot what they were. I don’t dance because I’m unsure of how to. I drop my phone more often than I actually use it. I reminiss about my Jeep too much because I identify people by objects too often, even myself. I love people, I hope to spend my years helping them out. I don’t feel accepted around you until I’ve made you laugh or smile. Laughter is my solution to most things. I become increadably annoyed with people that want something but wont take the steps required to obtain it, although I know I do the exact same thing on a daily bassis. I am unsure of myself less than people think I am. I’m content with my confidice level, just not with my decisiveness level. I find joy in simple things, just like everyone else. I am attached to only one and I offen detach myself. I do my best to live what I preach. I feel like hear more problems than I tell, it could be the other way around. I want people to be completely honest with me. I, as tactfully as I can, speak my mind for the most and I respect people who can do the same. I laugh like a 6 year old at all jokes refering to bowel movements. I don’t know where my time goes. My minds motto is: “It could be worse.” A negative-positive approach to life.

I know no one cares for real.

I know I don’t mean that.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

People in hell want ice water,

But that don't mean they get it.

I never properly thanked Justine and Brandon (Justine’s BFF) for getting me those novelty sunglasses.
See, whathadhappendwas:
Justine and I spent a week in Nashville (Nashvegas) and SO MANY funny things happened I couldn’t even begin to type them all down if I wanted to. You put two hilarious people like Justine and I in a 25 story hotel in downtown country music city and a lot can happen. Well, anyway… One day Justine, Nanny P (my hilarious Aunt Paula), and myself went strolling down the main strip and happened upon this very lame and dusty souvenir store. And that’s where I found the glasses. I loved them and I wanted them. I’m just too cheap to spend $10 for them. So I didn’t get them and regretted it the whole trip. I searched our last day there for some more like them but never could find any. I’ve gone through Nashville a few times since then and I always want to go back and get those dang sunglasses but never could.
A few weeks ago Justine made a trip up to Tennessee with Brandon and well… they made a 2 hour (I believe) stop to get me those glasses. They battled the cold and the crowd and I love them dearly for it.
Justine’s my brough, she’s got my back.
And Brandon… we’ll he does what he’s told. I think. Idk.

It will come as no surprise that I am avoiding a poetry project for English right now, with my annoyingly long story and all. I have all the poems written, I just need to type and print them up. Poetry is NOT my strong point. I pretty much suck at it. Like, there aren’t even words. I’m just hoping Mapes will just think it’s too deep for her to understand, but we all know that’s a wasted hope. It makes no sense.

I am ready for summer. SO ready for summer. I am more ready for summer 2010 than I was to get my braces off. I’m more ready for summer 2010 than I was to be home on the Washington trip when some idiot pooped on the heated bus in the little bathroom that I had to sleep next to for 5+ hours.
I want summer bad, reaaallllll bad.
I honestly think it’s just more of the care free environment I want more than the actual summer. I’m completely content with this time of year, I just want to rest.

May 27th could not take any longer to get here.
( I am well aware of the fact that I sound like every other senior who is fed up with doing the same thing they’ve been doing for the past 4 years over and over again for three more months. But, hey.)

I am trying to fight the fact that I am not as funny as I once was.
I’m not much on a computer screen.
I’m better in person.
Or worse, whichever.

I’m just trying to make it through the day.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

You’re only down as long as you allow yourself to be.

Coach Walker once told my ninth grade world history class: “Never let anyone steal your happiness.”
That statement has been uttered a million times by a million different people. I’ve heard it countless times from countless people, but for some reason when he said it, it stuck.
I don’t know why him saying that has stuck with me for so long, but it has.

You’re only unhappy as long as you allow yourself to be.
You can carry around your unhappiness and your burdens as long as you like.
You’re not hurting anyone but yourself.

I’m so thankful I know someone who will carry it for me.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Here I go,

scream my lungs out and try to get to you.

"And I've thrown my words all around
But I can't, I can't give you a reason"


Saturday, February 6, 2010


I'm not as funny as I once was.

I just want to be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

I want to be warm and free. I want it to be summer.
I want it to be when my high school career is OVER.

I want it to be August 1st.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I’m ready for summer again.

I just want to be freeeeeee.

It all starts with cigarettes...

In theory that title gives me a lot to work with.
BUT, I’m feeling rather brain dead.

For the love of all that is holy and pure in the world, please stop being so absurdly dumb.

You have every right to be dumb, it’s just the "absurdly" part that’s getting me.

(A special thanks to Gayson Suckfano for the very true title.)

It all starts with the cigarettes...
That's when everything starts changing, and normally not for the better.

Hush, now.

I still love you allllll.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Get in, get out, or get ran over.

Things have changed.

My focus is redirected and cleared.

I’ve let too many things stand in my way for too long.

I let too many things get me out.

I’m in.

I’m gone with or without you.

Preferably with.

I will not be ran over.

I will, however, continue to be the cheesiest person you know.