Saturday, March 28, 2009

What I wouldn’t do...

for a stranger.
For someone new who didn’t have preconceived and wrong ideas of me or my thoughts.
For something new in this town.
Not the same old crap repeating itself over and over and over and over again.

Lets spice it up a bit people, maybe try a new route of idiocy. Something, anything to make this very repetitive life a BIT more exciting. Really.

I’m going to go watch Kung Fu Panda. Have a nice night.

Friday, March 27, 2009


AH. I haven't blogged in forever.
Pretty much all through spring break and the week after it.

you haven't missed anything.
trust me
just a bunch of stupid ABC family prom drama and all that that entails.

gag me with a spoon.

I want to say so much more. But I'm sure if I even tried to sum the past two very lame weeks up (you know how I talk) I'd somewhere in there collapse with exhaustion.

sorry for the shortness.


Friday, March 6, 2009

And here I sit... again.

Another uneventful Friday night.

In the daylight hours:
I went to school.
Had a light (hah) conversation with the lunch table about abortion. (Those kinds of things never go well.)
Came home from school.
Went to Wilson Morgan with Justine.
Walked through a lot of mud and water again (we can never seem to stay on the trail there).
Came home.
Listened to yet another very uninteresting lecture from my mother.
Went to chick-fil-a.
Came home.

In the later hours of the day:
I Watched a bit of a move on TV, and talked to Lauren on the phone.
Washed my sheets.
Gave my cat a bath (it was unpleasant for both of us)
Cleaned my bathroom.
Washed dishes
(like I said before, I like to clean.)
Then reorganized some things in the garage.
now I’m here.

I think tomorrow I’ll try out my not so new easel that I got the other day and hang out with Lauren.

We’ll see how it goes.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's chapstick, chapped lips and things like chemistry.

Nothing too major to report.

I went to chemistry tutoring today. Nothing.
Nothing at all.
I always walk out of there feeling ten times more defeated than I did walking in.

Next week should be good though, it doesn't actually count as a regular week.


I should be writing an essay right now about why I would be a good academic tutor.
I better get to it.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

lost and found

After pulling up into my driveway and running to my front porch (with Lauren and Justine right behind me) I discovered a large blue and white, maybe four or five foot tall, trophy. And a note that says “Courtney is #1.” It’s from the year 2000 and it is for first place in some sort of karate competition.

I don’t really know what else to say about the matter…
Other than maybe thank you to the people who decided I was number one and deserved a five foot trophy.

I must say, I feel kind of special.

(smooth andrea, sarah, and garrett.)


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Who needs to plan their future anyway?

I say this because, well it’s good ol’ next years schedule time again. Although good ol’ next years schedule time is here earlier that last years. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I do not feel like thinking about my future right now.

As usual, my day was uneventful. And leaves me with nothing important to talk about.

Lauren came over today to help me with my dreaded chemistry. We went to Zaxby’s and ate. And then back to my house where I made the promised muffins (the main reason she came over). There are these one dollar a bag blueberry muffins from Dollar General that Lauren and I make on random occasions. I’m pretty sure throughout the last few years her and I have cleared at least a hundred or more of those little bags.The muffins are incredibly delicious.

And well, after Zaxby’s and the muffins. We were left with like 15 minutes for chemistry. Even with the little time, I did (somewhat) clear an entire chemistry problem by myself! It doesn’t sound like much, but it’s more than I was accomplishing before. (no one quite comprehends how much I DON’T understand about this subject except for maybe the people to the left and right of me in class)

and then… I watched TV and did my history homework (a subject I love AND understand).
math and science fail me.
english and history do not.

Once again, nothing.
Nothing to talk about other than school.
Which, unfortunately, consumes most --- if not all of my life.


Monday, March 2, 2009

“Dude, the cyanide and razor blades are in the glove box, help yourself.”

I don’t really have anything to talk about forreal.

I just feel like posting a blog.

Today was… unproductive:


Due to some of the days events I’ve come to the conclusion that I should not be allowed to talk to anyone who is not aware of the fact or anyone that has not been forewarned that I am chronically awkward.

I’ll elaborate on that more later.
I was just told by my mother that it was 10:30pm on a school night (it is actually 10:25pm, I hate rounded times) and that I should get off.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

“In the course of a life time, what does it matter?”

Not too long ago I found that quote.
I had written it down from a book I read in middle school.
I’d completely forgotten about the quote, until about a month or so ago when I found it.

Ever since I rediscovered the amazingness of that quote, I cannot keep from thinking about it.
I hear so many people stressing and worrying about so many mundane and unimportant things, and it makes me sick.
I’m so tired of people just wasting away, looking for the next thing to keep them happy. With nothing in there life having meaning, or substance.
I mean, come on people.
In the course of a life time, what does it really matter?
Most of it doesn’t matter, not at all.
For now maybe it does.
But when I look back at my life I don’t want to think “I just wasted so much of my time.” Time is a precious thing, as you all know. We only have so much, and once it’s gone, there’s no getting it back.
I catch myself saying things like “this is a waste of my time” in a somewhat joking manner.
But sometimes, it isn’t a joking matter at all.
So much time is wasted, it seems like no one knows what actually matters any more.

And I’m not saying every single second of every single day you should constantly worry about wasting your time, or what is going to matter in the long run. But think about it.

Don’t get so caught up in stupid things that in the course of your life time it is not going to matter at all. That’s basically what I’ve been trying to say though all of this.

Maybe I’m completely out on a limb here and all alone in these thoughts, but I’d thought I’d share them.
And hope I don’t end up looking like a total idiot.


Title Unknown?

Okay, so…
I was watching this old slide show from our India trip, and well, one of the songs I put in the slide show about two years ago started playing...

And I’ve listened to the song maybe a million times since I put it into the slide show. But when the slide show started playing and I saw all those pictures with all those people and started remembering all the amazing memories of the trip I was like slapped in the face with nostalgia/love/homesickness/awesomeness/I-HAVE TO-GET-BACK-TO-INDIA-ness. So, I started listening to the song that I know by heart over and over and over all day today… and well. I want to share the lyrics to whoever reads this…

(If you’ve spent any length of time around me you’ve probably heard or read the lyrics to this song before, but oh well. )

Getting Into You by Relient K

When I made up my mind
And my heart along with that
To live not for myself
But yet for God, somebody said
Do you know what you are getting yourself into?

When I finally ironed out

All of my priorities
And asked God to remove the doubt
That makes me so unsure of these
Things I ask myself, I ask myself
Do you know what you are getting yourself into?

I'm getting into you
Because you got to me, in a way words can't describe
I'm getting into you
Because I've got to be
You're essential to survive
I'm going to love you with my life

When he looked at me and said
I kind of view you as a son
And for one second our eyes met
And I met that with a question
Do you know what you are getting yourself into?


I've been a liar and I'll never amount to
The kind of person you deserve to worship you
You say you will not dwell on what I did but rather what I do you say
I love you and that's what you are getting yourself into


He said, I love you and that's what you are getting yourself into

(So I’ve kind of been in love with this band since I was 11, and I‘m not tired of their music yet.)

(Andrea says I shouldn't use so many parentheses)
(I'll see what I can do)
