Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Who needs to plan their future anyway?

I say this because, well it’s good ol’ next years schedule time again. Although good ol’ next years schedule time is here earlier that last years. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I do not feel like thinking about my future right now.

As usual, my day was uneventful. And leaves me with nothing important to talk about.

Lauren came over today to help me with my dreaded chemistry. We went to Zaxby’s and ate. And then back to my house where I made the promised muffins (the main reason she came over). There are these one dollar a bag blueberry muffins from Dollar General that Lauren and I make on random occasions. I’m pretty sure throughout the last few years her and I have cleared at least a hundred or more of those little bags.The muffins are incredibly delicious.

And well, after Zaxby’s and the muffins. We were left with like 15 minutes for chemistry. Even with the little time, I did (somewhat) clear an entire chemistry problem by myself! It doesn’t sound like much, but it’s more than I was accomplishing before. (no one quite comprehends how much I DON’T understand about this subject except for maybe the people to the left and right of me in class)

and then… I watched TV and did my history homework (a subject I love AND understand).
math and science fail me.
english and history do not.

Once again, nothing.
Nothing to talk about other than school.
Which, unfortunately, consumes most --- if not all of my life.


1 comment:

  1. I have got to try some of these blueberry muffins I hear so much about.
